Meet The Team | Anna

Welcome to this month’s Meet the Team Q&A!

This month we spoke to Anna, who is the Temporaries Desk Account Manager here at Red Door. She started with us in May 2021 after graduating with a degree in biochemistry!

What did you do before Red Door?

When I started at Red Door, I had not long graduated with a degree in Biochemistry amid the Covid lockdown. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but this role has given me a fantastic learning opportunity to grow and develop my experience and skills.

What do you do at Red Door?

I wear a few different hats in the office, but my main responsibility is running the temp desk. I also manage our accounts and act as occasional IT Technician.

What’s the best part of your job?

The most satisfying part of my role is finding the perfect person for the job! It is so great to get really positive feedback from the client who loves their temp and the candidate who loves their new role!

What’s your favourite thing to do at the weekend?

I love to decompress from the week, whether it’s exploring new places, trying a new restaurant, taking the dog for a long walk, or binging a great tv show!

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?

Recruitment can be tough, and we all have ups and downs. Take some deep breaths, have a chat with a friend and then start moving forwards. Perspective is everything (and some chocolate doesn’t hurt)

Iced coffee or hot coffee?

No coffee! It’s all about Diet Coke in this office!


Hybrid working: the pro’s and con’s


Meet The Team | Esther